The statement “You need a high income to be financially secure” is a common financial fallacy. While a high income can certainly provide a head start towards financial stability, it doesn’t guarantee it. The reason is that financial security doesn’t depend solely on how much money you earn, but rather how you manage, save, invest and spend it. Earning a high income but squandering it on uncontrolled expenses, or failing to properly invest and save for the future, can lead to financial instability. On the other hand, a moderate income, when coupled with prudent financial decisions like budgeting, investing and saving, can provide significant financial security.
The allure of this fallacy is understandable. It’s easy to assume that a larger income can solve all our financial problems. We might believe that if we earn more, we won’t have to worry about budgeting, saving, or investing. It’s a seductive thought, but unfortunately, it’s not accurate.
An effective financial strategy involves responsible financial management. This includes forming a clear understanding of your income and expenses, creating a realistic budget, saving a portion of your income regularly, investing wisely for long-term growth, guarding against risk with suitable insurance policies, and avoiding high interest debt. It also involves continual financial education to make informed decisions.
Further Readings:
“Your Money or Your Life” by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin. Book Link This book outlines a program for transforming your relationship with money and achieving financial independence.
“Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. Book Link This book focuses on the contrast of a man who lacks money management skills with a high income (poor dad) and a man with good money management skills but a moderate income (rich dad).
“The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas Stanley and William Danko. Book Link This book shows how most millionaires are people with average income who live below their means and focus on saving and investing.
“The Total Money Makeover” by Dave Ramsey. Book Link The book outlines seven easy-to-follow steps that will lead you out of debt, into a Total Money Makeover.
“How to Manage Your Money When You Don’t Have Any” by Erik Wecks. Book Link A helpful guide for people with low income in managing finances effectively.
“$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America” by Kathryn J. Edin. Book Link. This book extensively covers how people with low income survive in America.