Look for the highest dividend yield.
1 min read


Looking for the highest dividend yield is a financial fallacy essentially because a high dividend yield is not always synonymous with a healthy or successful business. Some individuals perceive a high dividend yield as a sure bet on return on investment. This misconception is often because the dividend yield represents the return investors receive for every dollar they invest in a company’s equity. However, a high dividend yield could also be a warning sign that the company is experiencing financial difficulties.

A high dividend yield can be attributed to a decrease in the price of a stock relative to its dividend payout which might be due to poor financial performance. Essentially, if a company’s stock price is falling while its dividend payout remains constant, the dividend yield will increase. This could imply that the company is not generating adequate profits or that it may have substantial debts. Therefore, instead of indicating a strong financial position, a high dividend yield might suggest the opposite.

In a volatile market, the promise of a high dividend yield can be comforting. It gives the illusion of a safe and steady return.

However, An effective financial strategy is to analyze a company’s overall financial health before investing, considering factors such as its earnings growth, debt levels, cash flows, P/E ratio, etc. Additionally, it’s vital to diversify investments to effectively manage risk and potential returns.

Further readings:

  1. “The Little Book of Big Dividends: A Safe Formula for Guaranteed Returns” by Charles B. Carlson. Book Link. This book emphasizes on the significance of analyzing companies as a whole rather than just focusing on the dividend yield.

  2. “The 3 Biggest Misconceptions About Dividend Stocks” - Investopedia

  3. “Investment Fables: Exposing the Myths of ‘Can’t Miss’ Investment Strategies” by Aswath Damodaran. Book Link. This book delves into prevalent investment myths, including the high dividend yield fallacy.

  4. “Dividend Yield” - Wikipedia.