Investing in a business is a leap of faith.
1 min read


Investing in a business is often mistaken as a leap of faith due to the inherent risks involved. It is a financial fallacy because it suggests that there is no method to assess or manage the risks tied to an investment, which isn’t accurate. In reality, informed investing depends on thorough research, careful analysis, and strategic decision-making, not on luck or blind faith.

It’s understandable why some may view investing in this fallacious way. Investing can seem complex and intimidating, and the uncertainty about future performance can be unnerving. This leads some people to rely more on gut feeling or faith, rather than research and analysis. Besides, popular culture often romanticizes risky investments that pay off, reinforcing the belief that successful investing is more about faith than facts.

However, An effective financial strategy in investing involves understanding the industry, business model, financial health, and the potential growth of a company before investing. Key characteristics include patience, prudence, and the ability to manage risk and emotion. Investors should also diversify their portfolio to mitigate potential losses.

Recommendations for further reading:

  1. “A Random Walk Down Wall Street” by Burton G. Malkiel. Book Link This book provides in-depth understandings on how investments in stock markets should be based on sound principles and not just intuition or faith.

  2. “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham. Book Link This classic text explains investment strategies with a focus on risk management rather than betting on luck.

  3. “Common Sense on Mutual Funds” by John C. Bogle. Book Link Bogle debunks myths and fallacies in mutual funds investing, advocating for a grounded, long-term approach.

  4. “Investment Analysis Explained” Article Link. This article explains the systematic approach adopted in informed investing.

  5. “Fundamental Analysis” Wiki Link This offers insights into the analysis of a company’s financials before making investment decisions.