I don't need insurance since I have an emergency fund.
1 min read


The statement “I don’t need insurance since I have an emergency fund” is a financial fallacy because an emergency fund and insurance serve two distinctly different purposes in personal finance.

An emergency fund is a saved amount of money set aside to cover unexpected short-term expenses, such as minor car repairs, medical bills, or sudden loss of income. On the other hand, insurance is a protective measure to shield oneself from catastrophic financial risk, like a devastating illness, major car accident, or substantial damage to one’s home. The costs of such events can significantly exceed what most people typically save in an emergency fund.

Moreover, insurance policies often offer additional benefits such as legal support and expert advice which an emergency fund can’t provide.

Maintaining an emergency fund potentially gives a feeling of self-reliance and preparedness. Moreover, the tangibility of having money set aside provides more immediate comfort than the abstract concept of insurance, which only pays out when disaster strikes. The cost of insurance premiums can also serve as a deterrent, especially when compared with the peace of mind having a handy emergency fund brings.

Accordingly, An appropriate financial practice is to both maintain an emergency fund for minor, unexpected expenses and carry adequate insurance to protect against large, unpredictable risks. This comprehensive approach provides a safety net for unforeseen expenses that can happen in life.

In-depth readings to gain a deeper understanding into this financial fallacy:

  1. Book: “The Total Money Makeover” by Dave Ramsey.Book Link Covering the importance of budgeting, building an emergency fund and insuring against life’s risks.

  2. Book: “Insurance for Dummies” by Jack Hungelmann. Book Link A comprehensive guide to what insurance is and why we need it.

  3. “Rainy Day Fund” Wiki Link Gives a detailed account of what a rainy day fund is and how it fits into personal financial planning.