Buy in bulk to save money.
1 min read


The financial fallacy “buy in bulk to save money” assumes that buying large quantities of goods or services at once always results in cost savings. However, this isn’t always the case. Firstly, the initial outlay can be expensive, even if the cost per item is lower. For those on a tight budget, this can result in financial strain. Secondly, buying in bulk can lead to unnecessary waste if the items aren’t consumed before their expiry, can’t be stored appropriately, or if the buyer’s needs change. Thirdly, there can also be additional costs such as storage fees, if the items can’t be stored at home.

The idea of paying less per unit of a product is very enticing, especially in these times when everyone is looking to justify every penny spent. Moreover, retailers often use bulk discounts as a marketing strategy to entice customers into buying large quantities. The pressure to save, combined with these marketing strategies, can easily lead one into the bulk buying trap.

A recommended approach would be to calculate the cost per unit of products, determine if you have sufficient storage space, and ascertain whether the item will be used before its expiration date. Taking these precautions can help ensure the bulk purchase is truly economical.

Further readings:

  1. “Dollars and Sense: How We Misthink Money and How to Spend Smarter” by Dan Ariely and Jeff Kreisler. Book Link. This book delves into various financial fallacies including buying in bulk.

  2. “Why Buying in Bulk Doesn’t Always Save You Money” - Investopedia. A thoughtful article on Investopedia that explains why buying in bulk can sometimes be a false economy.

  3. “Buy Ketchup in May and Fly at Noon: A Guide to the Best Time to Buy This, Do That and Go There” by Mark Di Vincenzo. Book Link. This book dives into whether buying in bulk and other tricks really save money.

  4. “Bulk purchasing” - Wiki Link.